
Alternative Treatments for Anxiety in Adults

Every one of us has experienced anxiety at some point of time in our lifetime. Anxiety can be either temporary or chronic. But in any case, anxiety can take a toll on the quality of your life and your normal well-being. The worst part of anxiety is, people often face trouble finding the right cure for it. It is a real challenge to find relief for anxiety. Although you may consult a doctor and take the prescribed medication to fight anxiety, such anti-anxiety medicines usually have a lot of side effects that somehow interrupt your well-being.

Hence the best way to fight anxiety is through natural remedies. There are a few natural ways to cure anxiety without any side effects. These ways include the use of oils, herbal supplements, CBD, exercise, taking a healthy and balanced diet, avoiding smoking and other toxication, drinking sufficient water a day, getting plenty of sleep, yoga, and breathing techniques.


CBD is one of the best and most popular ways of treating anxiety. The emerging studies and researches suggest that CBD can be of great help to treat anxiety in adults. Although not everything is yet known to the researchers, studies done on the link between CBD and anxiety have shown promising results.

Animal studies suggest that the use of CBD on animals can reduce the stress in rats that can be monitored through a reduced heart rate. Besides, studies have also been made that point out how CBD can help reduce anxiety disorders in humans. The anxiety disorders that CBD can help within humans are:

  • Anxiety-induced insomnia

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

  • Social anxiety disorder

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and GAD

Researches have also shown that consuming CBD is completely safe and won’t make you feel high like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) products. Yet, one must take CBD only in amounts that are necessary or are recommended. Because consuming too much of it can also cause side effects although CBD is usually mild and doesn’t usually harm your health. Besides, if you are already taking other medicines, then you must consult your doctor before you start consuming CBD, as it might interact with other medications. Once you determine to consume CBD oil as a solution to cure anxiety, you must also perform basic research on how to identify the best cbd for anxiety.

Herbal supplements

Herbal supplements like valerian root can be an effective way of treating anxiety. There is little evidence that suggests that the use of this herbal supplement can cure anxiety. Although, it’s not conclusive.

A study conducted in the year 2002 has shown that 50 milligrams of valerian root 3 when administered on the participants for around four weeks, have shown impact on the anxiety levels in people with GAD. Next, in the year 2011 also; a similar study has shown that valerian root can reduce the symptoms of OCD in patients with minimal or no side effects.

However, you should check with your doctor before taking any such supplements as they might interact with other medications.


This is a process that involves the use of essential oils to reduce anxiety and improve health. Some scents can improve your mood and can make you feel relaxed and stress-free. These essential oils can be used in several ways like using it with a diffuser, placing a few drops of the oil on a place that you can smell often, or you may even mix it with a carrier oil. The most popular scents that help reduce anxiety are Grapefruit, Lavender, Ylang-ylang, Clary sage, Bergamont.


Although exercising to reduce anxiety may not seem quite appealing, research suggests exercise plays a significant role in reducing anxiety.

In many situations, people who feel anxious feel better after doing mild exercise and can easily adapt to stress-inducing situations.

Unlike other treatment options, exercise is not an easy and quick solution to anxiety. Yet when combined with other treatments, it can be most effective. Similarly, same as other treatments for anxiety, there is no right dosage for exercise. Hence it varies from person to person. No research has yet identified the right amount of exercise to cure anxiety.

Meditation and deep breathing exercise

Meditation is a process of focusing and training your mind to stay calm and away from chaotic thoughts. Researches have also shown that practicing meditation can help ease your mind and relieve anxiety symptoms.

Meditation, when added with breathing exercises, can cure anxiety very easily. Breathing rapidly leads to an increased heart rate making you feel dizzy. This in return can even increase the risk of a panic attack. Hence deep breathing with measured breaths restores the normal breathing pattern and thus as a result helps reduce anxiety.

The bottom line

The above-mentioned techniques are just a few of the many ways to treat anxiety naturally. Although all the alternative treatments discussed above are equally effective, the use of CBD oil is the best and most popular way to treat anxiety naturally.
